Snow Pack Malamutes

Two important links above, how to naturally keep your malamute healthy and activities you can do with your malamute !

Snow Pack Puppies

That's a lot of puppies ! 
Well, it is. But these are simply cute pictures, and some are the same pup/puppies or litter. Keep in mind, we started a long time ago. We are not someone who got a few dogs, bred them and quit ( some people do this ). We have been here since around 2003
More Info
Past Puppies

Our pups are born and raised inside for the first month.  When they are about 4 wks old, they are moved outside to a pup kennel that is next to the house and off the deck. It is a secure kennel with top. It opens into an 8 x 15 ft play area so they are not confined to a kennel. They can also have access to the deck when old enough. This kennel has a doghouse and heat if needed. 

We encourage puppy visits when the pups are 5 to 8 wks old. 

We feed quality food and give moms supplements to ensure good health. 

Pups are vet checked at 7 wks and ready to leave between 8 and 9 wks old. 

Another step forward for SNOW PACK 

NIKKI passed her CGC !!

Canine Good Citizen test


And... Novice TRICK!

If you leave the comments blank - I will *IGNORE* the application. 

Communication is important to me

Looking forward to spring time!

This is our dog yard. To the right side is a kennel area and to the left is also a kennel area. We have 5 acres. To the left side is a hill so not all of it can be used. But we do have more that we can use for the dogs. 

With limiting the breeding this year ( 2024) I will have more time to do other things. One of those is to expand the dog yard.  My plan is to add about another 300 ft of fence. I also plan on adding more big toys to keep them stimulated. 

With our 2024 puppy lists already full, I can focus on the dogs! Thank you so much everyone for joining our malamute family!   I will have so much more time to focus on the puppies, the personal puppy pages and the big dogs! 


Applicants must live in or close to COLORADO 




Pups are $1800

IF you are looking for a new companion puppy, please look over the website first. This is a great way to get to know who we are and how we raise our dogs.    If you are serious about wanting one of our pups, then please fill out the application. 

 3 PAYMENTS  of $600 

$600 deposit / $600 when born / $600 at 6 wks old 

IF PUPPIES are born or soon to be born ; 

TWO payments of $900

$900 deposit / $900 due at 6 wks old 

OR $600 deposit / $1200 at 6 wks old

At some point ... 

We must meet all puppy buyers in person. 

No commercial shippers  or transporters of any kind. 


I am flexible on payments.  Most people do like and prefer this schedule so I have stuck with it over the years. 

Expecting large sizes 100 - 130 lbs

lots of hair

variety of color and markings 

And over flowing with personality and great temperaments !

Nikki -  is highly intelligent and athletic. She has her CGC, TKN and passed the tadpole water dog test. Loves water and fetching. 

Kodiak - Is not big in the brains but definitely a clown. 

He is a big teddy bear that just wants to play. 

1 female available 

4 girls on the left / 5 boys on the right

( 1 female, will be last pick) 

All are beautiful and doing well. 

We prefer babies stay in or near Colorado!

One of these girls is available